Sunday, August 11, 2013

It's Currently Time…short & sweet

Well, it may be August 11th but I finally made it to the ever popular monthly Currently linky party hosted by Farley over at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade.  Yes, I may be a little late and by the time I'm finished with this post & link it up, I'm sure to be somewhere in the mix of 500 other linkers, but that's ok right?  So, let me just get to it - here goes...

Remember...jump on over to Farley's post and join the fun.

Oh, and be on the look out for my classroom reveal of this year's new look.  It's coming soon to a blog near you. 

Happy Sunday!! 


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Wow! 6 am! And you were awake! I get to go into my classroom this week to start setting up. Haven't chosen a "theme" per se yet. Yours sounds lovely!

    Olwyn from Teaching in Turtlepond

  2. I look forward to your classroom reveal! I love the yellow and gray look. Did you ever see Mrs. Turnstall's classroom? She made such a beautiful classroom utilizing those colors.


  3. I found your blog through Farley's link up. :)
    One of my coworkers did a gray and yellow chevron's adorable! Good luck this school year!

  4. So glad I wasn't the only one linking up late with Farley! Excited to explore your blog and see what you have going on on the west coast :)! Seems like outfits are a common back to school must, can't wait to go shopping!

    Sent From My iPad

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